We have been here almost two weeks. With no car to drive, we have been on foot quite a bit. I'm hoping this will help me fit into my clothes a little better. At the end of the day, we are usually exhausted from mushing around in the snow and ice that doesn't show any sign of letting up. We get new snow almost every other day. Isn't it great? The beauty of winter is in the hope of spring.
Nothing much happening this week except for ANOTHER BAPTISM!!! That's right, another baptism on Saturday. This time in the Olümpia Hotel, just a couple hundred meters from our apartment. A room was rented in the hotel where we could have our meeting. We had four investigators come as well as some less-actives. The baptism talk was given by a Liisa S., recent convert who is a friend of the young woman (Ingrid) that was to be baptized. She did a wonderful job. We then traveled to the 26th floor where the spa was and the baptism was performed by our District President (Tarmo L.). The view from the spa was really cool as we could see the skyline of snow-covered Tallinn.
We concluded the meeting where we started and then everyone came to our place for some refreshments. Õde Allred, as usual, was the charming hostess and made everyone feel at home. This is a great start to the mission. If the district meets the goal they just set for this transfer, there is going to be a lot of these baptism get-togethers. We are happy to be right in the middle of it all.
I'm glad it is off to a great start! We love and miss you but know you are where you are supposed to be. 🤗💜